x2 Croissants, x2 Pains au chocolat, Mini pancakes box (nutella, maple syrup), x2 avocado toasts smoked salmon & cream cheese, Selection de fromage & charcuterie avec ses toasts, x2 Yaourt Frais & muesli, Selection de Fruits de saison
My Brunch Box (2 peoples)
x2 Croissants, x2 Pains au chocolat,...
x2 Croissants, x2 Pains au chocolat, Mini pancakes box (nutella, maple syrup), x2 avocado toasts smoked salmon & crea...
My Fruits Box
My Fruits Box (2 peoples)
Selection of fresh fruit cut by our chef, Nutella, Candy skewers
My Fruits Box (2 peoples)
Selection of fresh fruit cut by our c...
Selection of fresh fruit cut by our chef, Nutella, Candy skewers
My Sandwich Box
My Sandwich Box (2 to 4 peoples)
x4 mini-baguettes ham and cheese sandwiches, x4 mini-viennois tuna mayonnaise, x4 mini-bagels tomato mozza pesto, x4 mini-wrap chicken, Honey mustard and crudités, Homemade plantain & manioc chips
My Sandwich Box (2 to 4 peoples)
x4 mini-baguettes ham and cheese sand...
x4 mini-baguettes ham and cheese sandwiches, x4 mini-viennois tuna mayonnaise, x4 mini-bagels tomato mozza pesto, x4...